
Create end-to-end IoT products with PortaBilling / Video presentation

Reduce your workload & increase efficiency with a unified billing platform that can provide you a single bill for IoT services & connectivity charges or SIM management.

Watch this informative presentation by Oleg Shevtsov, PortaOne Product manager, to find out how you can benefit.

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Now, you can offload the work to your end users. Our unified service management and billing platform tracks usage, automates notification and payment—for your services and for the connectivity consumed—and allows users to activate new cards, block lost ones, and manage their account. On your side, workflows automate your business processes and create end-to-end flows to your IoT management plane. Be it prepaid or post, hundreds of SIMs per customer or just one, our platform will support your goals for monetization and seamless end user experience.

Video transcript

Hi, this is Oleg Shevtsov from PortaOne.

In this presentation, I’m going to tell you about how to make great products with PortaBilling, and how to make a perfect end-to-end experience for your IoT. This presentation is for device manufacturers, vendors of different IoT solutions, and service providers focused on IoT.

The IoT vendors vision

If you are from one of those sectors, most likely you have a strong vision of the products: you understand how you will change the world, and how you will make a perfect experience and make end users love your product.

Most likely, you think that you can focus only on the IoT part, making a great user experience, solving some real-world problems, and offloading the other part of this story, such as connectivity, SIM cards, data, and bandwidth, to the mobile operator, so that they will be responsible for the SIM cards, connectivity, usage charges for the connectivity, and so on.

In reality, this doesn’t really happen. Because for the telecoms and for mobile operators, these IoT SIM cards are low-margin products, and they really prefer to sell the SIM cards in bulk to IoT vendors like you, so that you will be responsible for the distribution, and you will be responsible for the activation, deactivation, revenue assurance, change of plans, and so on.

This is the reality. And if you know this reality, it makes it easier for you to find a solution, like what can be done and how you can adapt to this reality to make a profit and to get a good user experience.

What the solutions are

One of the alternatives is to use PortaBilling — our billing solution for both IoT user charges and for connectivity charges. Even if you are just starting and even if you think that your IoT service is subscription based, say you don’t have any user charges and so on, still, there are some charges related to connectivity. And you probably know that, for telcos, they generate significant profit on the overuse of these IoT plans.

For instance, if you have a plan up to one megabyte per month, and you consume 10 megabytes, the end users will have to pay quite significant overuse charges for the service. That’s why you need to factor in these connectivity charges and make sure that you reflect them and pass them on correctly to the end users.

We can do this. With PortaBilling,  you can have a single bill for the IoT, for the connectivity SIM cards, for the data – a single bill. Your job will be providing great IoT service, and our part will be focusing on these connectivity charges and presenting a single bill.

The second alternative is for when you already have your management portals, when you already handle payments for the IoT services, and you already have IoT service configuration portals. We can also help you in this situation.

We can take connectivity billing and the SIM management portal as a microservice. Then, every time your end users need to order a new SIM card or change some settings on or reset their SIM card,  there is a redirection to the portal, and our portal will do this job for you.

What PortaOne can do for you

If we look at the list of what we can do, you can see, of course, that as a billing inventor we can do invoicing, we can do provisioning and pulling usage from different systems, like Cisco Jasper and many others.

We can also provide self-care portals, and we can help you with the administration of channel partners or resellers, so that you can focus on the IoT part, and we can help you with the connectivity charges, SIM card administration, portals for the end users to do this on their own.  And they will be doing all the SIM card activities, administrations, payments, bill settlements, revenue assurance, and all without too much attention from your side.

Contact us and we’ll make a great user experience for you. Thank you!

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